To sum up my Canary Islands journey
I left behind my old way of living in the bustling city of London and decided to embark on a solo journey of exploration. My destination was the Canary Islands. As I waited at the airport, I noticed that my gate number was 36—the same number as my life purpose according to Dan Millman, the author of The Life You Were Born to Live.
Interestingly, as I prepared for this trip, I began noticing the number 11 appearing frequently in my life. Curious, I searched for its significance and discovered that 11 is often associated with intuition, soul missions, life purpose, and new beginnings, to name a few. How awesome is that?

Instead of meticulously planning my itinerary, I decided to go with the flow and let my feelings and intuition guide me. This approach brought an incredible sense of freedom and confidence—I felt sure of where I was going, even though, in reality, I had no plan. I simply trusted the journey. For seven months on the road, I stayed open to adventures and challenges, embracing the unknown with a childlike curiosity. It was absolutely amazing! I hiked volcanoes, climbed craters, walked on lava stones, swam in the bright blue ocean, tanned on black sandy beaches (and occasionally burned myself!), drove barefoot along narrow cliff-edge roads with my brand-new driver’s license, sledged down sand dunes, meditated on a serene farm, saved kittens, picked pineapples and cactus berries, dodged chasing dogs, surfed, and so much more.
Before you assume the seven main Canary Islands are all the same, think again! From breathtaking landscapes to the local vibe and vibrant cultures, each island offers its own unique charm and allure, waiting to be discovered.

I didn’t realize that my travel journey was also a healing journey—a profound soul-cleansing—until I met David, an Italian traveler who shared an intriguing article with me about the "7 Chakras and 7 Islands." The article introduced me to the discovery work of Project Harwitum, which explores the connection between the chakras (the energy centers in the human body) and the Canary Islands.
Let me quote:
"The volcanic energy currently possessed by the group of islands helps to give impetus to the activation of the energy centers," said Matías De Stefano, @Project Harwitum.
This means that as the energy centers within your body are activated, the energetic blocks created by negative emotions can begin to dissolve, allowing healing to take place.

This sparked a wild inspiration within me—to dip into my savings and spend it all (yes, all of it!) on visiting each of the Canary Islands. My goal? To experience the unique energy each island had to offer and grow through the journey. Along the way, I delved deeper into the chakra system, educating myself on its principles, and began practicing yoga.
My travel companion was a pink inflatable flamingo.

Inspired by the "7 Chakras, 7 Islands" article and my personal experiences, I created a 40-page photo book featuring my travel photos, accompanied by an introduction to the chakra system and its significance in our bodies.
My goal with this book is to inspire and encourage you to step out of your comfort zone, discover your passions, and embrace personal growth through your journey. Leave fear behind and trust the unknown. Stay open to new experiences, challenge what seems impossible (remember, "I'm possible!"), and find joy and laughter in the process—it’s so worth it! As Ralph Waldo Emerson wisely said, “It’s not the destination, it’s the journey that matters.” Through my story, I also hope to shed light on the power of soul connections and the importance of soul healing.
I recommend this book to anyone who is open-minded, loves travelling, adventures, and stunning photography, and has an interest in exploring the energy centers within our bodies. It’s suitable for all ages—from teenagers to the elderly—especially those seeking alternative or natural ways to enhance their lifestyle.
If so, please check out my webshop to place your order or reach out to me with your request.